National Potato Day October 2017

To mark NATIONAL POTATO DAY 2017, Finnegan’s ran a competition on Facebook inviting a local National School to come along to visit our farm for the day. Such was the incredible level of interest in the competition, that we decided it only fair to choose two winners and not one as initially advertised. We welcomed the boys and girls from Scoil Naomh Barra in Wilkinstown and St.Mary’s NS Garristown who were delighted learning about the journey of the spud from Finnegan’s field to Finnegan’s fork. After watching the journey of the spud on our packhouse tour, the children were amazed to see the potatoes transformed into delicious chips which they then enjoyed for their lunch. As well as this they also enjoyed a tractor and trailer ride and lots of potato related fun and spudtivities. Thanks to both schools for coming along on the day to help us celebrate National Potato Day 2017!